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10 Home Remedies To Cure Dark Spots On Your Skin

You don’t have to live with dark spots on your skin. Here are plenty of dark spot home remedies that slowly but surely works to remove black spots on the skin.

You don't have to live with dark spots on your skin. Here are plenty of dark spot home remedies that slowly but surely works to remove black spots on the skin.

We all are familiar with the situation where a huge pimple religiously pops up on our face when we can least afford to have it. And worst part is that it leaves a nasty scar which takes days, if not months to heal. Of course these remedies will not clear them magically but you can surely try some of these simple home remedies to accelerate healing.

Remedy 1:


The most effective spot removing technique is to mix a teaspoon of honey with 4-5 drops of lemon juice. You can also add a few strands of saffron to it. Apply it to the affected areas and wash off after 20 minutes. Lemon and honey work as natural bleaching agents. Honey also adds moisture. Over time it will be like that black spot on skin never even happened to you!

Remedy 2:


Mix 2 teaspoons of tomato juice with 4 teaspoons of buttermilk and apply it on the dark spots on skin. The lycopene in tomatoes is a strong lightening agent that in over time reduces the intensity of the spot and then removes it entirely.

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